The PlayStation 1 Video (STR) Format v1.10, March 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document, copyright (c) 2008-2011 Michael Sabin, is licensed under a MIT License. Permission has been obtained to also include some source code comments from the xine media player (in chapters 1.1, 2.1 and chapter 3), copyright (c) the xine project, under the MIT License. The text of this license is at the end of this file. Note that the related jPSXdec program is NOT licensed under the MIT license, but is under a non-commercial license. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change History v0.2 draft - Draft. Initial public release. v0.21 draft - Corrected the PlayStation default quantization matrix, which in turn fixed the mysterious divide-by-four in the dequantization step. v0.22 draft - Finished documenting FF8 movie format v0.30 draft - Obtained permission to use xine source code. This entire document now under modified MIT License. - ch 1.1: Submode.form is NOT unimportant - ch 2.2: Added what DC and AC stand for v0.40 draft - Changed license to just use the standard (unmodified) MIT License. - ch 2.3.6: Corrected YUV -> RGB conversion to use PSX equations. - ch 3.2: Checked and fixed FF8 audio decoding. - ch 3.3: Added Final Fantasy 9 video format (untested). v0.41 draft - ch 3.2: Added note about FF8 audio-only 'movie'. - ch 3.3: Checked and fixed FF9 decoding. v0.42 draft - ch 3.3: Corrected FF9 audio decoding. - ch 3.4: Added note that Lain DC Coefficients are handled in the normal version 2 method. v0.43 draft - ch 3.2: Flushed out more of the FF8 audio header - ch 3.3: Added some audio variations found on FF9 disc 4. - ch 3.4: Added Chrono Cross audio sector format. v0.50 - Removed the mention of "Software" in the license to avoid confusion. - ch 3.1: It looks like Final Fantasy Tactics also use v1 frames? - ch 3.4: Chrono Cross has more variations on disc 2. It looks like Legend of Mana is like Chrono Cross? - ch 3.6: Added Alice In Cyber Land. - All over: Lots of cleaning, rewording, and generally making things clearer v0.56 - Lots of cleaning, reformatting, fixing typos and rewording for clarity. - ch 2.2.2, 2.3.1: The variable-length-codes have an END_OF_BLOCK code, but the MDEC codes have an END_OF_DATA code. - ch 2.3.3: Fixed very incorrect dequantization calculation. - ch 3.1 (FF7): Field at offset 12 in Frame Sector Header identified as bytes of data actually used in demuxed frame. First field (after camera data) in demultiplexed frame is always about half the number of variable-length-codes in the frame. - ch 3.2 (FF8): Changed use of "sound unit" and "sound group" conventions. v0.58 - ch 2.2.2: The PlayStation decoder expects extra bits at the end of frames. - ch 2.3.2: Fixed reverse zig-zag pseudocode. - ch 2.3.3, 2.3.4: The MDEC chip is partially programmable. - ch 2.3.6: It's called a "level shift". Fixed pseudocode equation. - Overall: A few tweaks and rewording. Fixed some data offsets. v1.00 - ch 2.2.1: Note about DC precision bits. - ch 2.2.2: Added v3 has end of frame bits. - ch 3.3: Note about FF9 curious codes. - ch 3.7: Added .iki format. - Overall: Some unknown fields identified Luminance -> Luma, Chrominance -> Chroma, Subcode -> Submode Many minor tweaks and corrections v1.10 - ch 3.1: Added v1 frames - ch 3.8: Added Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere - ch 3.10: Added Judge Dredd - ch 3.11: Added Crusader: No Remorse Left to do: * Confirm Legend of Mana format * Add more game formats as they are found... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Introduction ## Conventions used ## ## 1. The disc ## 1.1. How data is stored on the disc ## 1.2. How the PlayStation reads data from the disc ## 1.3. Getting the data off the disc ## 2. Decoding a PlayStation 1 video frame ## 2.1. Demultiplex the frame ## 2.2. Uncompress the data ## 2.2.1. Read the DC Coefficient ## 2.2.2. Read all AC Coefficients ## 2.2.3. Convert to MDEC format ## 2.3. MDEC emulation ## 2.3.1. Translate the DC and run length codes into a 64 value list ## 2.3.2. Un-zig-zag the list into a matrix ## 2.3.3. Dequantization of the matrix ## 2.3.4. Apply Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform to the matrix ## 2.3.5. Combine the blocks into (Y, Cb, Cr) pixels ## 2.3.6. Convert the (Y, Cb, Cr) pixels into RGB pixels ## 3. Variations by some PSX games ## 3.1. Version 1 frames ## 3.2. Final Fantasy VII ## 3.3. Final Fantasy VIII ## 3.4. Final Fantasy IX ## 3.5. Chrono Cross (and Legend of Mana?) ## 3.6. Serial Experiments Lain ## 3.7. Alice in Cyber Land ## 3.8. Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere ## 3.9. .iki ## 3.10. Judge Dredd ## 3.11. Crusader: No Remorse ## 4. Credits, Thanks, etc. ## ################################################################################ ## Introduction ################################################################################ Sony PlayStation 1 videos, usually with the extension STR, MOV, or BIN, contain compressed video data similar to an MPEG1 movie. They also contain interleaved audio using a unique form of Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) compression. This document attempts to explain the decoding process of a single video frame. Audio is not covered in this document, but has already been documented by Jonathan Atkins (, also mirrored at Like MPEG1 streams, the decoding process is long, and rather complicated. Specifically, Chapters 2.2 and 2.3 closely resemble two aspects of MPEG1 decoding: translation of variable length codes, and macro-block decoding. I have tried to keep the descriptions as clear and straight-forward as possible, and explain some of the details and terminology of MPEG1 decoding. However, this document doesn't contain everything, and I've been immersed in this stuff for so long that I no longer can see where my explanations fall short. Therefore, you may need other sources of information to fully grasp these steps. The most helpful source would be the MPEG-1 specification (ISO/IEC 11172, specifically part 2: video). It is available to purchase from the ISO web site for a small fortune. Alternatively, if you prefer to spend much less money, there are some books that cover the MPEG-1 video format. There are some free alternatives that will help, but don't apply as well as the MPEG-1 spec. H.261, the first specification using MPEG-like encoding, is available for free from ITU-T. Also available from ITU-T is H.262, which (according to Wikipedia) is free and "completely identical in all aspects" to the MPEG-2 specification. Finally, you could also search for information about JPEG encoding, which can be found in many places on the web. ################################################################################ ## Conventions used ################################################################################ Octets are referred to as 'bytes'. Hex values are preceeded with '0x'. All other numeric values are decimal unless there is a note about it being binary. ################################################################################ ## 1. The disc ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## 1.1. How data is stored on the disc ################################################################################ All compact discs are composed of hundreds of thousands of sectors (technically called "frames"). Each sector holds exactly 2352 bytes of data. There are three important sector formats to be aware of: "Mode 1" (from the "Red Book" standard), and "Mode 2 Form 1" and "Mode 2 Form 2" (from the "Green Book" standard). For a normal "Red Book" "Mode 1" sector, there are 24 bytes of header information, and 280 bytes of error correction at the end. This leaves 2048 of data per sector for information. "Mode 1" sectors are what nearly all computer software and operating systems are designed to work with. When you copy a file from a standard CD, you are only copying the 2048 bytes in the middle of the sectors. PlayStation video frames are stored in "Green Book" "Mode 2 Form 1" sectors. These are very similar to "Mode 1" sectors (it has small header and footer differences that won't be detailed in this document). Modern computer operating systems can usually read these sector types without problems, and copy the middle 2048 bytes. A "Mode 2 Form 1" compact-disc sector +-24 bytes--+-2048 bytes-------------------------------------+-280 bytes--+ | CD-XA | Normal sector data | error | | Header | | correction | | | | data | +-----------+------------------------------------------------+------------+ XA stands for "eXtended Architecture" (extending the "Yellow Book" standard). The XA ADPCM Audio on PlayStation discs are stored in "Green Book" "Mode 2 Form 2" sectors. These sectors also have a 24 byte header, but there is no data at the end for error correction--just 4 leftover bytes. This leaves 2324 bytes for data. A "Mode 2 Form 2" compact-disc sector +-24 bytes--+-2324 bytes------------------------------------------+-- 4 --+ | CD-XA | Sector data | bytes | | Header | | | | | | | +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------+-------+ These "Mode 2 From 2" sectors are intermingled with "Mode 2 Form 1" sectors. Modern operating systems don't often like "Mode 2 Form 2" sectors, so you usually need special programs to get these sectors off the disc. Understanding the full "Mode 2 From 1" and "Mode 2 From 2" formats is really only necessary for decoding PlayStation 1 audio sectors, but it can also help with identifying video sectors. The raw CD-XA Sector Header for "Mode 2 From 1" and "Mode 2 From 2" sectors contain information about the sector: specifically whether it contains audio, video, or data. For audio sectors, it also contains the audio format used (channels, sample rate, and bits-per-sample). CD-XA Header: [originally from xine media player source code: demux_str.c] Sector Offset 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sync header (12 bytes, big-endian) | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 12 +----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------+ | Header (4 bytes) | Block address | Minute (1 byte) | | (3 bytes) | Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) 13 +-- --+-- --+--------------------------------+ | | | Second (1 byte) | | | Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) 14 +-- --+-- --+--------------------------------+ | | | Block/Frame/Sector (1 byte) | | | Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) 15 +-- --+-----------------+--------------------------------+ | | Mode (1 byte) | | Should always be 2 for PlayStation games 16 +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Sub-header | Interleaved file (1 byte) | (8 bytes) | 1 if this file is interleaved, or 0 if not 17 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Channel number (1 byte) | | The sub-channel in this 'file'. Video, audio and data | | sectors can be mixed into the same channel or can be | | on separate channels. Usually used for multiple audio | | tracks (e.g. 5 different songs in the same 'file', on | | channels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) 18 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Submode (1 byte) | | bit 7: eof_marker -- set if this sector is the end | | of the 'file' | | bit 6: real_time -- always set in PSX STR streams | | bit 5: form -- 0 = Form 1 (2048 user data bytes) | | 1 = Form 2 (2324 user data bytes) | | bit 4: trigger -- for use by reader application | | (unimportant) | | bit 3: DATA -- set to indicate DATA sector | | bit 2: AUDIO -- set to indicate AUDIO sector | | bit 1: VIDEO -- set to indicate VIDEO sector | | bit 0: end_audio -- end of audio frame | | (rarely set in PSX STR streams) | | | | bits 1, 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive 19 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Coding info (1 byte) | | If Submode.AUDIO bit is set: | | bit 7: reserved -- should always be 0 | | bit 6: emphasis -- boost audio volume (ignored by us) | | bit 5: bitssamp -- must always be 0 | | bit 4: bitssamp -- 0 for mode B/C | | (4 bits/sample, 8 sound sectors) | | 1 for mode A | | (8 bits/sample, 4 sound sectors) | | bit 3: samprate -- must always be 0 | | bit 2: samprate -- 0 for 37.8kHz playback | | 1 for 18.9kHz playback | | bit 1: stereo -- must always be 0 | | bit 0: stereo -- 0 for mono sound, 1 for stereo sound | | | | If Submode.AUDIO bit is NOT set, this byte can be ignored 20 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sub-header duplicated | (4 bytes) 24 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ################################################################################ ## 1.2. How the PlayStation reads data from the disc ################################################################################ Data is read from the disc one sector at a time at either 75 sectors per second (single speed) or 150 sectors per second (double speed). The video and audio are spaced out over these sectors so they can be delivered at the appropriate times. Example: A movie in the game runs 15 frames per second. If the PlayStation is set to read the data at 75 sectors per second (single speed), each frame needs to be spaced over 5 disc sectors (75 sectors per second / 15 frames per second = 5 sectors per frame). Audio is also intermixed every so many sectors (4, 8, 16, or 32). Since video frame data doesn't (always? usually? ever?) need all the sectors allocated to it, an audio sector can quickly be squeezed in. Each audio sector generates either 2016 or 4032 samples of decoded audio. If the audio is in stereo, then the samples are split for the left/right channels, to 1008 or 2016. As shown above, the raw CD-XA Sector Header explains how the data is stored, the sample rate, and if it is mono or stereo. Example: A movie in the game has mono audio running at 37800 samples per second. If the PlayStation is set to read at 75 sectors per second, and audio sectors generate 4032 samples, then an audio sector needs to appear every 8 sectors (4032 samples per sector * 75 sectors per second / 37800 samples per second = 8 sectors between audio sector). Sector 1: Video frame 1, sector #0 (of 5) Sector 2: Video frame 1, sector #1 (of 5) Sector 3: Video frame 1, sector #2 (of 5) Sector 3: Video frame 1, sector #3 (of 5) Sector 4: Video frame 1, sector #4 (of 5) Sector 5: Video frame 2, sector #0 (of 4) Sector 6: Video frame 2, sector #1 (of 4) Sector 7: Video frame 2, sector #2 (of 4) Sector 8: 4032 samples of audio at 37800 samples/second Sector 9: Video frame 2, sector #3 (of 4) Sector 10: Video frame 3, sector #0 (of 5) ... If you are interested in more details of how audio is decoded, you could check the "Green Book", Philips CD-i Specification. Or you could check out Jonathan Atkins's cdxa program (see the end of this document for credits and links). He has done a good job of including documentation. ################################################################################ ## 1.3. Getting the data off the disc ################################################################################ Because audio "Mode 2 Form 2" sectors use the entire sector, it is necessary to copy the entire 2352 bytes of data off the disc for every sector. But if operating systems don't like "Mode 2 Form 2" sectors, how do you get the data off the disc? The most common and easily accessible way to read the full raw sectors off the disc is to copy the entire disc to a raw image file. This disc image format is commonly referred to as "BIN/CUE", or "BIN/TOC". There are many programs that can do this for every operating system. Note that the common "ISO" disc image format does NOT copy the full raw sector data off the disc (it only copies 2048 bytes of data from each disc sector). Alternatively, you may find tools to copy just the raw sectors that contain movie data (such as the popular PSmplay tool). There is no standard on how to store these raw sectors from CDs. Depending on the tool used, the specifics of the resulting file may vary slightly. Some programs add some form of a "RIFF" header at the start of the file. Finally, your operating system may actually let you copy the data off the disc using the normal method of copying files. You must check, however, that it is copying the full 2352 bytes of data, and not just 2048 like ISO image files. ################################################################################ ## 2. Decoding a PlayStation 1 video frame ################################################################################ There are three major steps the PlayStation goes through to decode one frame out of a STR file. 1) Read all the video sectors that contain the frame 'chunks' from the disc and "demultiplex" them into a solid stream (the PlayStation hardware/libraries and the game do this...I think) 2) Decompress the demultiplexed data into MDEC compatible run length codes (it is entirely the game's responsibility to do this) 3) Translate all those run length codes into actual image data, in 24 or 15 bit RGB format (what the MDEC chip does) The following sub-sections attempt to emulate these 3 steps. ################################################################################ ## 2.1. Demultiplexing the frame ################################################################################ Each frame 'chunk' sector begins with 32 bytes of information, followed by 2012 bytes of multiplexed 'chunk data'. How a frame chunk fits into a "Mode 2 Form 1" sector +-24 bytes--+-32 bytes-+-2012 bytes-----------------------------+-280 bytes--+ | CD-XA | Chunk | chunk data | error | | Header | Header | | correction | +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+------------+ :: STR Frame Sector Header :: [originally from xine media player source code: demux_str.c] Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . little . Unknown Usually 0x80010160 for a video frame. According to PSX hardware guide, this value is written to mdec0 register: - bit 27: 1 for 16-bit colour 0 for 24-bit colour depth - bit 24: if 16-bit colour, 1/0=set/clear transparency bit - all other bits unknown 4 . . . 2 . . little . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) - 1 6 . . . 2 . . little . Number of multiplexed chunks in this frame 8 . . . 4 . . little . Frame number: Starts at 1 12 . . . 4 . . little . Bytes of data used in demuxed frame, rounded up to a multiple of 4 (if not already a multiple of 4) 16 . . . 2 . . little . Width of frame in pixels 18 . . . 2 . . little . Height of frame in pixels 20 . . . 2 . . little . Number of MDEC codes divided by two, and rounded up to a multiple of 32 (if not already a multiple of 32) 22 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x3800 24 . . . 2 . . little . Frame's quantization scale 26 . . . 2 . . little . Version of the video frame (see next section for details) 28 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x00000000 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The video frame 'chunk data' from all the sectors related to the frame need to be appended together to form a solid stream. This combining of all the frame parts is called "demultiplexing" (or "demuxing" for short) the frame. +-2012 bytes----+-2012 bytes----+-- --+-2012 bytes-----+ | chunk 0 data | chunk 1 data | ... | chunk n-1 data | +---------------+---------------+-- --+----------------+ That was the easy part. It gets harder from here. ################################################################################ ## 2.2. Uncompress the data ################################################################################ There are two common and understood video frame types found on PlayStation game discs: version 2, and version 3 (I don't know what happened to version 1). These two versions I assume cover the majority of video frame formats. My guess is they were part of the standard development tools given to game developers. It would be convenient if every movie found in every game used these two formats. However, since it is the game's responsibility to decompress the data off the disc, some studious game developers used their own method. Alas, the only way one could ever understand the decoding scheme used by some games would be to reverse engineer the game's code. So let us decode a version 2, or version 3 frame. At the highest level, a demultiplexed frame consists of: :: Demultiplexed STR frame :: Offset Size Endian --------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 2 . . little . Unknown Number of run length codes in the frame? Size of data (in bytes) following this header? 2 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x3800 4 . . . 2 . . little . Frame's quantization scale 6 . . . 2 . . little . Version of the frame 8 . . . . . . . . . . Compressed macro blocks Stream of 2 byte little-endian values Number of macro blocks = (width+15)/16 * (height+15)/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- These "macro blocks" will eventually turn into 16 x 16 pixel squares. They start at the top left of the image, work their way down in a column, then continue at the top of the next column to the right, and so on. Example 64 x 32 image: +-----------------+-----------------+ | 1st macro block | 5th macro block | +-----------------+-----------------+ | 2nd macro block | 6th macro block | +-----------------+-----------------+ | 3rd macro block | 7th macro block | +-----------------+-----------------+ | 4th macro block | 8th macro block | +-----------------+-----------------+ If the frame dimensions are not divisible by 16, you must round up the width and/or height to be a multiple of 16. The extra data in the final decoded frame can simply be cropped off. Each 'macro block' consists of 6 'blocks' (in this order!): Macro-block: - Chroma Red (Cr) block - Chroma Blue (Cb) block - Top-Left Luma (Y1) block - Top-Right Luma (Y2) block - Bottom-Left Luma (Y3) block - Bottom-Right Luma (Y4) block Yes, as the MAME developer "smf" has clarified so well, Cr comes before Cb, contrary to what you may find in some other documentation and source code. Here is what each of those 6 blocks consist of: Block: - One "Discrete Cosine Transform Direct Current Coefficient" - Zero or more "Discrete Cosine Transform Alternating Current Coefficients" - One "End of Block" code At the start of every block is what is called the "Discrete Cosine Transform Direct Current Coefficient". Most often it is simply referred to as "DC". It is the most important value of the block. Following the DC Coefficient are compressed "Discrete Cosine Transform Alternating Current Coefficients", usually referred to as simply "AC". **!! Note that the block bit stream data !!** **!! is read 16-bits at a time in *little-endian* order !!** ################################################################################ ## 2.2.1. Read the DC Coefficient ################################################################################ For version 2 frames, the DC Coefficient of all 6 blocks are encoded the same: 10-bits, signed. Very simple. This is better quality than MPEG-1 because it provides 10-bits of DC precision while MPEG-1 only can handle 8 bits. For version 3 frames, each Chroma Red (Cr) DC Coefficient is relative to the previous Cr DC Coefficient, and each Chroma Blue (Cb) DC Coefficient is relative to the previous Cb DC Coefficient. They are also encoded using a tricky arrangement of binary "variable length codes" (also known as "Huffman codes"). Binary Number of bits Variable used to store Negative Positive Length Code DC Coefficient Differential Differential 11111110 8 -255 to -128 128 to 255 1111110 7 -127 to -64 64 to 127 111110 6 -63 to -32 32 to 63 11110 5 -31 to -16 16 to 31 1110 4 -15 to -8 8 to 15 110 3 -7 to -4 4 to 7 10 2 -3 to -2 2 to 3 01 1 -1 1 00 0 0 0 After the variable length code, there is the corresponding number of bits for the DC Coefficient. The first of these bits is the sign bit. If it's 0, then use the 'Negative Differential' on the remaining bits. If it's 1, use the 'Positive Differential' on the remaining bits. Once that value is determined, it is then multiplied by 4. This multiplication is necessary because v3 frames only have 8-bits of DC precision, which is the same precision as MPEG-1 video. -- Pseudocode to decode version 3 DC Coefficient for Cr or Cb ----------------- /* At the start of the frame, initialize Previous_DC_Coefficient = 0 */ If Peek_Next_Bits() == "11111110" Skip_Bits(8) If Read_Bits(1) = "0" Then DC_Coefficient = Read_UnsignedBits(7) - 255 Else DC_Coefficient = Read_UnsignedBits(7) + 128 End If Else If Peek_Next_Bits() == "1111110" Skip_Bits(7) If Read_Bits(1) = "0" Then DC_Coefficient = Read_UnsignedBits(6) - 127 Else DC_Coefficient = Read_UnsignedBits(6) + 64 End If Else If Peek_Next_Bits() == "111110" Skip_Bits(6) If Read_Bits(1) = "0" Then DC_Coefficient = Read_UnsignedBits(5) - 63 Else DC_Coefficient = Read_UnsignedBits(5) + 32 End If /* ...and so on... */ Else If Peek_Next_Bits() == "01" Skip_Bits(2) If Read_Bits(1) = "0" Then DC_Coefficient = -1 Else DC_Coefficient = 1 End If Else If Peek_Next_Bits() == "00" Skip_Bits(2) DC_Coefficient = 0 End If DC_Coefficient *= 4 /* Shift the precision up to 10-bits */ /* If Cr, use previous Cr. If Cb, use previous Cb */ DC_Coefficient += Previous_DC_Coefficient Previous_DC_Coefficient = DC_Coefficient ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The DC Coefficient for the Luma blocks (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4) are all stored relative to the previous Luma block (e.g. Y2 value is stored relative to Y1, etc.). They use a similar arrangement of variable length codes. Binary Number of bits Variable used to store Negative Positive Length Code DC Coefficient Differential Differential 1111110 8 -255 to -128 128 to 255 111110 7 -127 to -64 64 to 127 11110 6 -63 to -32 32 to 63 1110 5 -31 to -16 16 to 31 110 4 -15 to -8 8 to 15 101 3 -7 to -4 4 to 7 01 2 -3 to -2 2 to 3 00 1 -1 1 100 0 0 0 The pseudocode for decoding will be similar to the Chroma DC. ################################################################################ ## 2.2.2. Read all AC Coefficients ################################################################################ The AC Coefficients are stored the same for both version 2 and 3 frames. They are each encoded using the standard MPEG1 AC Coefficient variable length codes. Here are all 111 variable length codes and their equivalent run of zeros and AC Coefficient. These compressed values are often referred to as "zero run-length codes". Binary # of zero-value Non-zero Variable length code AC Coefficients AC Coefficient value 11s 0 1 011s 1 1 0100 s 0 2 0101 s 2 1 0010 1s 0 3 0011 0s 4 1 0011 1s 3 1 0001 00s 7 1 0001 01s 6 1 0001 10s 1 2 0001 11s 5 1 0000 100s 2 2 0000 101s 9 1 0000 110s 0 4 0000 111s 8 1 0010 0000 s 13 1 0010 0001 s 0 6 0010 0010 s 12 1 0010 0011 s 11 1 0010 0100 s 3 2 0010 0101 s 1 3 0010 0110 s 0 5 0010 0111 s 10 1 0000 0010 00 s 16 1 0000 0010 01 s 5 2 0000 0010 10 s 0 7 0000 0010 11 s 2 3 0000 0011 00 s 1 4 0000 0011 01 s 15 1 0000 0011 10 s 14 1 0000 0011 11 s 4 2 0000 0001 0000 s 0 11 0000 0001 0001 s 8 2 0000 0001 0010 s 4 3 0000 0001 0011 s 0 10 0000 0001 0100 s 2 4 0000 0001 0101 s 7 2 0000 0001 0110 s 21 1 0000 0001 0111 s 20 1 0000 0001 1000 s 0 9 0000 0001 1001 s 19 1 0000 0001 1010 s 18 1 0000 0001 1011 s 1 5 0000 0001 1100 s 3 3 0000 0001 1101 s 0 8 0000 0001 1110 s 6 2 0000 0001 1111 s 17 1 0000 0000 1000 0s 10 2 0000 0000 1000 1s 9 2 0000 0000 1001 0s 5 3 0000 0000 1001 1s 3 4 0000 0000 1010 0s 2 5 0000 0000 1010 1s 1 7 0000 0000 1011 0s 1 6 0000 0000 1011 1s 0 15 0000 0000 1100 0s 0 14 0000 0000 1100 1s 0 13 0000 0000 1101 0s 0 12 0000 0000 1101 1s 26 1 0000 0000 1110 0s 25 1 0000 0000 1110 1s 24 1 0000 0000 1111 0s 23 1 0000 0000 1111 1s 22 1 0000 0000 0100 00s 0 31 0000 0000 0100 01s 0 30 0000 0000 0100 10s 0 29 0000 0000 0100 11s 0 28 0000 0000 0101 00s 0 27 0000 0000 0101 01s 0 26 0000 0000 0101 10s 0 25 0000 0000 0101 11s 0 24 0000 0000 0110 00s 0 23 0000 0000 0110 01s 0 22 0000 0000 0110 10s 0 21 0000 0000 0110 11s 0 20 0000 0000 0111 00s 0 19 0000 0000 0111 01s 0 18 0000 0000 0111 10s 0 17 0000 0000 0111 11s 0 16 0000 0000 0010 000s 0 40 0000 0000 0010 001s 0 39 0000 0000 0010 010s 0 38 0000 0000 0010 011s 0 37 0000 0000 0010 100s 0 36 0000 0000 0010 101s 0 35 0000 0000 0010 110s 0 34 0000 0000 0010 111s 0 33 0000 0000 0011 000s 0 32 0000 0000 0011 001s 1 14 0000 0000 0011 010s 1 13 0000 0000 0011 011s 1 12 0000 0000 0011 100s 1 11 0000 0000 0011 101s 1 10 0000 0000 0011 110s 1 9 0000 0000 0011 111s 1 8 0000 0000 0001 0000 s 1 18 0000 0000 0001 0001 s 1 17 0000 0000 0001 0010 s 1 16 0000 0000 0001 0011 s 1 15 0000 0000 0001 0100 s 6 3 0000 0000 0001 0101 s 16 2 0000 0000 0001 0110 s 15 2 0000 0000 0001 0111 s 14 2 0000 0000 0001 1000 s 13 2 0000 0000 0001 1001 s 12 2 0000 0000 0001 1010 s 11 2 0000 0000 0001 1011 s 31 1 0000 0000 0001 1100 s 30 1 0000 0000 0001 1101 s 29 1 0000 0000 0001 1110 s 28 1 0000 0000 0001 1111 s 27 1 These stings of bits are mutually exclusive. The 's' at the end of every bit string is the 'sign bit'. If that bit is set, then the AC Coefficient should instead be negative. Simply walk the bits of data until a match is found, then record the corresponding number of zero-value AC Coefficients, and the non-zero AC Coefficient. The table above doesn't cover all possible combinations, so an escape code is provided for all other values. 000001 Escape code Following the "000001" bits will be 16 bits: 6-bits unsigned for the number of zero-value AC Coefficients, and 10-bits signed for the non-zero AC Coefficient. Every block is terminated by an END_OF_BLOCK code. 10 END_OF_BLOCK // TODO: Confirm the following... Finally, frames end with an extra 11 bits 01111111110 v2 end of frame 11111111110 v3 end of frame While not necessary for custom decoding, games expect the extra block and will crash if not present. I suspect the block is added to make the game's bit-reader faster since it doesn't have to consider partially hitting the end of the buffer when reading bits. -- Pseudocode to decode AC Coefficients in one block -------------------------- While Peek_Next_Bits() != END_OF_BLOCK /* 11s -> (0 , 1) */ If Peek_Next_Bits() == "110" Then Print "Num of Zeros = 0, AC Coefficient = 1" Skip_Bits(3) Continue While End If If Peek_Next_Bits() == "111" Then Print "Num of Zeros = 0, AC Coefficient = -1" Skip_Bits(3) Continue While End If /* 011s -> (1 , 1) */ If Peek_Next_Bits() == "0110" Then Print "Num of Zeros = 1, AC Coefficient = 1" Skip_Bits(4) Continue While End If If Peek_Next_Bits() == "0111" Then Print "Num of Zeros = 1, AC Coefficient = -1" Skip_Bits(4) Continue While End If /* 0100s -> (0 , 2) */ If Peek_Next_Bits() == "01000" Then Print "Num of Zeros = 0, AC Coefficient = 2" Skip_Bits(5) Continue While End If If Peek_Next_Bits() == "01001" Then Print "Num of Zeros = 0, AC Coefficient = -2" Skip_Bits(5) Continue While End If /* ... and so on ... */ If Peek_Next_Bits() == "000001" Then /* escape code */ Skip_Bits(6) Num_of_0 = Read_Unsigned_Bits(6) AC_Coeff = Read_Signed_Bits(10) Print "Num of Zeros = " Num_of_0 ", AC Coefficient = " AC_Coeff End If End While ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you've reached the END_OF_BLOCK code, the sum of all the zero-value AC Coefficients, plus the number of non-zero AC Coefficients read, should be less than or equal to 63. ################################################################################ ## 2.2.3. Convert to MDEC format ################################################################################ Now we will pack all this data into the format the PlayStation MDEC chip understands. First we start with the frame's Quantization Scale (found in the Frame Sector Header, and in the Frame Data Header), and the block's DC coefficient. Pack the frame's Quantization Scale into 6 bits by chopping of the top 10 bits. Then combine it with the DC Coefficient. ((Frame_Quantization_Scale & 0x3F) << 10) | (DC_Coefficient & 0x3FF) The # of zeros and AC Coefficient are packed similarly. You take the 6 bits from the # of zeros, and the 10 bits from the AC coefficient to form a 16 bit value. ((Num_Of_Zeros & 0x3F) << 10) | (AC_Coefficient & 0x3FF) Finally, the binary '10' END_OF_BLOCK is converted to the MDEC END_OF_DATA code 0xFE00. -- Pseudocode to generate a macro block readable by the MDEC ------------------ Print ((Frame_Quantization_Scale & 0x3F) << 10) | (DC_Coefficient & 0x3FF) For 6 times // for Cr, Cb, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 AC_VLC = Get_Next_Decoded_AC_Variable_Length_Code() While AC_VLC != END_OF_BLOCK Print ((AC_VLC.RunOfZeroes & 0x3F) << 10) | (AC_VLC.AC_Coefficient & 0x3FF) AC_VLC = Get_Next_Decoded_AC_Variable_Length_Code() End While Print 0xFE00 Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you have a long list of 16 bit values ready to be sent to the MDEC. Note that since the MDEC reads data as little-endian, if these 16 bit values are stored as a stream, they should be done so as little-endian. [Side note about quality] The v2 bitstream can actually store quality equivalent to MPEG-2 format, due to all DCT coefficients having up to 10-bits of precision. Meanwhile, v3 bitstreams are just a little better quality than MPEG-1 because the DC Coefficient only has 8-bits of precision. In both cases however the compression is far simpler and doesn't take advantage of temporal redundancy (i.e. it is like MJPG with only intra "I frames", and no P and B frames). So even though it could store high quality, the size becomes the primary bottleneck. ################################################################################ ## 2.3. MDEC emulation ################################################################################ The MDEC chip simply works on macro blocks. It has no concept of frames. So all that a MDEC emulator needs to do is take in one macro-block, and spit out a 16x16 image (either 24 or 15 bit RGB). The 6 blocks in each macro block are decoded using the same steps that MPEG1 I-frames use. If you know how MPEG1 decodes macro blocks, then you can pretty much guess how the rest of this will go. It takes 6 steps to decode a macro-block to an RGB 16x16 pixel square. For each block (Cr, Cb, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4): 1) Expand the 16-bit MDEC codes into a 64 value list. 2) Wind the list into an 8x8 matrix of values using the normal MPEG1/JPEG zig-zag order. 3) De-quantize the values using the PSX specific quantization table and the macro-block's quantization scale. 4) Perform the complicated inverse discrete cosine transform on the 8x8 matrix 5) Once that has been done for all 6 blocks, then merge the Cr and Cb values together with the Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 values. 6) Convert every YCbCr pixel into an RGB pixel ################################################################################ ## 2.3.1. Translate the DC and AC run length codes into a 64 value list ################################################################################ As we saw in the previous section, the first 16 bits hold the Quantization Scale, and the DC Coefficient. We decode those values the same way we encoded them: Quantization_Scale = (First_16_Bits() >> 10) DC_Coefficient = (First_16_Bits() & 0x3FF) The remaining 16 bit values hold a run of zero-value AC coefficients, and a non-zero AC coefficient. These 16 bit values continue until the MDEC END_OF_DATA (0xFE00) code is encountered. Here's some pseudocode that would print the full 64 values of the list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Print DC_coefficient Length = 1 Run_Length_Code = First_16_Bits() While Run_Length_Code != END_OF_DATA /* 0xFE00 */ For 1 To (Run_Length_Code >> 10) Print "0" Length += 1 Next Print (Run_Length_Code & 0x3FF) Length += 1 Run_Length_Code = Next_16_Bits() End While For 1 To (64 - Length) /* fill the rest with zeros */ Print "0" Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alternatively, here is some code that would fill an array of 64 values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Define Coefficient_List[64] For i = 0 to 63 /* start by filling the array with zeros */ Coefficient_List[i] = 0 Next Coefficient_List[0] = DC_coefficient i = 0 Run_Length_Code = First_16_Bits() While Run_Length_Code != END_OF_DATA i += 1 + (Run_Length_Code >> 10) Coefficient_List[i] = (Run_Length_Code & 0x3FF) Run_Length_Code = Next_16_Bits() End While ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The resulting list will be one DC coefficient, and 63 AC coefficients (most of which will be zero). [DC, AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7, AC8, AC9, ... , AC61, AC62, AC63] ################################################################################ ## 2.3.2. Un-zig-zag the list into a matrix ################################################################################ Unwind the list into an 8x8 matrix of values using the normal MPEG1/JPEG zig-zag order. Here is the standard MPEG1 zig-zag order: ZIG_ZAG_MATRIX[x,y] x=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -------------------------------- y=0 | 0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28 | 1 | 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42 | 2 | 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43 | 3 | 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53 | 4 | 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54 | 5 | 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60 | 6 | 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61 | 7 | 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63 | -------------------------------- Each value in that matrix represents an index in the list. -- Pseudocode to un-zig-zag the list into a matrix --------------------------- Define Coefficient_Matrix[8, 8] For x = 0 to 7 For y = 0 to 7 i = ZIG_ZAG_MATRIX[x, y] Coefficient_Matrix[i >> 3, i & 7] = Coefficient_List[ x + y * 8 ] Next Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you have an 8x8 matrix with the DC Coefficient and AC Coefficients in the correct order. Coefficient_Matrix[x, y] x=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------------------------ y=0 | DC , AC1 , AC5 , AC6 , AC14, AC15, AC27, AC28 | 1 | AC2 , AC4 , AC7 , AC13, AC16, AC26, AC29, AC42 | 2 | AC3 , AC8 , AC12, AC17, AC25, AC30, AC41, AC43 | 3 | AC9 , AC11, AC18, AC24, AC31, AC40, AC44, AC53 | 4 | AC10, AC19, AC23, AC32, AC39, AC45, AC52, AC54 | 5 | AC20, AC22, AC33, AC38, AC46, AC51, AC55, AC60 | 6 | AC21, AC34, AC37, AC47, AC50, AC56, AC59, AC61 | 7 | AC35, AC36, AC48, AC49, AC57, AC58, AC62, AC63 | ------------------------------------------------ ################################################################################ ## 2.3.3. Dequantization of the matrix ################################################################################ To quantize basically means to divide a value by some number to make it smaller. De-quantization is just the opposite--we multiply the number back to its original value. The de-quantization matrix is actually programmable, but (nearly?) all games use the same table. It is identical to the MPEG-1 intra quantization matrix, except the first value is 2 instead of 8. > Unrelated technical note: this table is actually uploaded to the MDEC chip in zig-zag order. PSX_QUANTIZATION_TABLE[x,y] x=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -------------------------------- y=0 | 2, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34 | 1 | 16, 16, 22, 24, 27, 29, 34, 37 | 2 | 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 34, 38 | 3 | 22, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 37, 40 | 4 | 22, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48 | 5 | 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48, 58 | 6 | 26, 27, 29, 34, 38, 46, 56, 69 | 7 | 27, 29, 35, 38, 46, 56, 69, 83 | -------------------------------- All values in the matrix need to be multiplied by their corresponding value above. Also, all but the first matrix element (the DC Coefficient) need to be multiplied by the Quantization Scale provided at the beginning of this macro block, along with additional scaling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Define Dequantized_Matrix[8, 8] For x = 0 to 7 For y = 0 to 7 If x == 0 And y == 0 Then /* The DC coefficient is not multiplied by the quantization scale */ Dequantized_Matrix[x, y] = Coefficient_Matrix[x, y] * PSX_QUANTIZATION_TABLE[x, y] Else Dequantized_Matrix[x, y] = 2 * Coefficient_Matrix[x, y] * Quantization_Scale * PSX_QUANTIZATION_TABLE[x, y] / 16 End If Next Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: Confirm This leaves us with values between -2048 and 2047 for each coefficient. ################################################################################ ## 2.3.4. Apply Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform to the matrix ################################################################################ The "two-dimensional discrete cosine transform" is a mathematical formula that, when applied to a "signal" (in this case, binary data) somehow pushes most of it into the top left corner. The 2d "inverse discrete cosine transform" restores the data to its original form. In mathematical terms, the 2d inverse discrete cosine transform looks like this: 7 7 2*x+1 2*y+1 f(x,y) = sum sum c(u)*c(v)*F(u,v)* cos (------- *u*PI)* cos (------- *v*PI) u=0 v=0 2 * 8 2 * 8 x,y=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 F(u,v) is the input matrix f(x,y) is the output matrix c(u) = { sqrt(1/8) when u=0 { sqrt(2/8) otherwise c(v) = { sqrt(1/8) when v=0 { sqrt(2/8) otherwise Here it is in pseudocode: -- Pseudocode for the 2d inverse discrete cosine transform ------------------- Define block[8, 8] For Block_x = 0 to 7 For Block_y = 0 to 7 Total = 0 For DCT_x 0 to 7 For DCT_y = 0 to 7 Sub_Total = Dequantized_Matrix[DCT_x, DCT_y] If DCT_x == 0 Sub_Total *= Sqrt(1 / 8) Else Sub_Total *= Sqrt(2 / 8) End If If DCT_y == 0 Sub_Total *= Sqrt(1 / 8) Else Sub_Total *= Sqrt(2 / 8) End If Sub_Total *= Cos( DCT_x * PI * (2 * Block_x + 1) / (2 * 8) ) Sub_Total *= Cos( DCT_y * PI * (2 * Block_y + 1) / (2 * 8) ) Total += Sub_Total; Next Next block[Block_x, Block_y] = Total Next Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Looking closely at the formula, you may notice it is essentially two matrix multiplications using the following table of values (rounded to 3 decimal points for sake of space): [ 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 ] [ 0.490 0.416 0.278 0.098 -0.098 -0.278 -0.416 -0.490 ] [ 0.462 0.191 -0.191 -0.462 -0.462 -0.191 0.191 0.462 ] [ 0.416 -0.098 -0.490 -0.278 0.278 0.490 0.098 -0.416 ] IDCT_table = [ 0.354 -0.354 -0.354 0.354 0.354 -0.354 -0.354 0.354 ] [ 0.278 -0.490 0.098 0.416 -0.416 -0.098 0.490 -0.278 ] [ 0.191 -0.462 0.462 -0.191 -0.191 0.462 -0.462 0.191 ] [ 0.098 -0.278 0.416 -0.490 0.490 -0.416 0.278 -0.098 ] IDCT_table^transposed * Dequantized_Matrix * IDCT_table Like the quantization table, the IDCT matrix is programmable, but (nearly?) all games use the same table: [ 23170 23170 23170 23170 23170 23170 23170 23170 ] [ 32138 27245 18204 6392 -6393 -18205 -27246 -32139 ] [ 30273 12539 -12540 -30274 -30274 -12540 12539 30273 ] [ 27245 -6393 -32139 -18205 18204 32138 6392 -27246 ] [ 23170 -23171 -23171 23170 23170 -23171 -23171 23170 ] [ 18204 -32139 6392 27245 -27246 -6393 32138 -18205 ] [ 12539 -30274 30273 -12540 -12540 30273 -30274 12539 ] [ 6392 -18205 27245 -32139 32138 -27246 18204 -6393 ] > Unrelated technical note: The matrix is stored as a series of little-endian 16-bit values on the disc. The game uploads the table to the MDEC chip as it is starting. The MDEC chip optimizes the math by using fixed point integer arithmetic. All those integers are approximately equal to the floating point values multiplied by 65536. ################################################################################ ## 2.3.5. Combine the blocks into (Y, Cb, Cr) pixels ################################################################################ Now you have 6 block matrices of 8x8 values: Cr_block, Cb_block, Y1_block, Y2_block, Y3_block, and Y4_block The four Luma blocks (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4) are arranged in a square: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. Then there is one Cb pixel and one Cr pixel for every 2x2 square of Luma values (this is standard 4:2:0 sampling method used in JPEG and MPEG1). +----+----+ | Y1 | Y2 | +----+ +----+ +----+----+ | Cb | | Cr | | Y3 | Y4 | +----+ +----+ +----+----+ Pseudocode to convert the Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 and Cb and Cr blocks into a 16x16 array of (Y, Cb, Cr) pixels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Define Macroblock_YCbCr[16, 16] of structure {Y, Cb, Cr} For x = 0 to 7 For y = 0 to 7 Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y ].Y = Y1_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x + 8, y ].Y = Y2_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y + 8].Y = Y3_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x + 8, y + 8].Y = Y4_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 , y * 2 ].Cb = Cb_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 + 1, y * 2 ].Cb = Cb_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 , y * 2 + 1].Cb = Cb_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1].Cb = Cb_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 , y * 2 ].Cr = Cr_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 + 1, y * 2 ].Cr = Cr_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 , y * 2 + 1].Cr = Cr_block[x, y] Macroblock_YCbCr[x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1].Cr = Cr_block[x, y] Next Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The resulting PlayStation YCbCr "color space" is: Y (Luma) : -128 to +127 Cr (Chroma Red) : -128 to +127 Cb (Chroma Blue): -128 to +127 ################################################################################ ## 2.3.6. Convert the (Y, Cb, Cr) pixels into RGB pixels ################################################################################ The equations the MDEC uses to convert YCbCr to RGB are similar to JFIF, but slightly different: Red = Y + 1.402 * Cr Green = Y - 0.3437 * Cb - 0.7143 * Cr Blue = Y + 1.772 * Cb But these equations expect a "color space" of (same as the JFIF color space): Y : 0 to 255 Cr: -128 to +127 Cb: -128 to +127 So to convert from the YCbCr "color space" to RGB, you use these equations. Red = (Y + 128) + 1.402 * Cr Green = (Y + 128) - 0.3437 * Cb - 0.7143 * Cr Blue = (Y + 128) + 1.772 * Cb The adjustment of 128 is called "level shift" in the JPEG standard. Because the equation can result in RGB values below 0, and above 255, you also should "clamp" the Red, Green, and Blue within a range of 0 to 255. If Red > 255 Then Red = 255 Else If Red < 0 Then Red = 0 If Green > 255 Then Green = 255 Else If Green < 0 Then Green = 0 If Blue > 255 Then Blue = 255 Else If Blue < 0 Then Blue = 0 -- Pseudocode to convert from YCbCr to RGB ----------------------------------- Define Macroblock_RGB[16, 16] of structure {Red, Green, Blue} For x = 0 to 15 For y = 0 to 15 r = (Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Y + 128) + 1.402 * Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Cr g = (Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Y + 128) - 0.3437 * Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Cb - 0.7143 * Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Cr b = (Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Y + 128) + 1.772 * Macroblock_YCbCr[x, y].Cb Macroblock_RGB[x, y].Red = Max( Min(r, 255), 0) Macroblock_RGB[x, y].Green = Max( Min(g, 255), 0) Macroblock_RGB[x, y].Blue = Max( Min(b, 255), 0) Next Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ################################################################################ ## 3. Variations by some PSX games ############################################################################### As stated before, it is the game's responsibility to read the video data from the disc and prepare it to be fed into the MDEC chip. While most game developers used the standard approach in chapters 2.1 and 2.2, there are a number of games that did it their own way. Note that this information should be mostly correct, but there are likely errors here and there. ################################################################################ ## 3.1. Version 1 frames ################################################################################ Some games are known to have video sectors and video frames that report a version number of 1, but the frame data is actually normal v2. * Final Fantasy Tactics * Tekken 2 ################################################################################ ## 3.2. Final Fantasy VII ################################################################################ :: FF7 Frame Sector Header :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . little . Always 0x80010160 4 . . . 2 . . little . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) - 1 6 . . . 2 . . little . Number of multiplexed chunks in this frame 8 . . . 4 . . little . Frame number: Starts at 1 12 . . . 4 . . little . Bytes of data actually used in the demuxed frame (including camera header) 16 . . . 2 . . little . Width of frame in pixels 18 . . . 2 . . little . Height of frame in pixels 20 . . . 2 . . little . Unknown 22 . . . 2 . . little . Unknown 24 . . . 2 . . little . Unknown 26 . . . 2 . . little . Unknown 28 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x00000000 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start of *some* demultiplexed frames is an additional 40 bytes of camera information. :: FF7 Demultiplexed frame for some movies :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 40 . n/a . Camera data 40 . . . 2 . . little . Number of MDEC codes divided by two, and rounded up to a multiple of 32 (if not already a multiple of 32) 42 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x3800 44 . . . 2 . . little . Frame's quantization scale 46 . . . 2 . . little . Version of the frame: Always 1 48 . . . . . . . . . . Compressed macro blocks Stream of 2 byte little-endian values Number of macro blocks = (width+15)/16 * (height+15)/16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The frame version claims to be 1, but decodes just like version 2 frames, except for one difference: the variable-length-code escape codes will sometimes decode to some # of zeros, followed by an AC Coefficient of zero (e.g. (6, 0) ). This never seems to happen in version 2 or version 3 frames. This makes me think they changed the frame's quantization scale to make it smaller, but didn't combine the empty run-length codes. ################################################################################ ## 3.3. Final Fantasy VIII ################################################################################ FF8 makes a large departure from how the data is stored in each sector. Each frame consists of 10 sectors. The first sector contains the left audio channel, the second contains the right audio channel. The remaining 8 sectors hold the video data for the frame. 10 sectors running at 2x speed (150 sectors/second) means 15 frames-per-second. There is one exception found on disc 1: a movie with no video. Each 'frame' consists of two sectors: the first is the left audio channel, the second is the right audio channel. =============== ==== Audio ==== =============== Audio sectors, like the video sectors, are "Mode 2 Form 1". :: FF8 Audio Sector Header :: Offset 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common FF8 | Magic string (4 bytes, big-endian) | Audio/Video | 'S', 'M', ?, 0x01 | Header | ? = 'N' for left audio channel | (8 bytes) | ? = 'R' for right audio channel 4 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Multiplexed chunk number of this frame (1 byte) | | 0 to (Number of sectors) 5 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of sectors containing frame data - 1 (1 byte) | | Always 9 or 1 6 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame number: starts at 0 (2 bytes, little-endian) 8 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audio | Unknown (camera data?) (232 bytes) 240 +-- Sub-header --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | (360 bytes) | Audio magic string (6 bytes, big-endian) | | Usually 'MORIYA', sometimes 'SHUN.M' 250 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (10 bytes) 256 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Square | Magic string (4 byts, big-endian) | | AKAO | Always 'AKAO' 260 +-- --+-- Structure --+------------------------------------+ | | (80 bytes) | Frame number | | | (4 bytes, little-endian) 264 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Unknown (20 bytes) 284 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Unknown (4 bytes, little-endian) | | | Always 0x00001000 288 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Number of bytes of audio data | | | (4 bytes, little-endian) | | | always 1680 292 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Unknown (44 bytes) 336 +-- --+----------------+------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (32 bytes) 368 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audio data (1680 bytes) 2048 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ FF8 has 105 Sound Units per sector, each with 14 bytes of ADPCM data that generate 2 PCM samples per byte. The Sound Data is not interleaved, so the decoding process is much more linear than the normal PSX audio sector format. :: FF8/FF9/Chrono Cross Sound Unit :: Offset Size ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 1 . . Sound parameter 1 . . . 1 . . Unknown 2 . . . 14 . ADPCM sound data, 4 bits-per-sample (2 samples per byte) 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each sound unit generates 28 samples of audio. FF8/FF9/Chrono Cross use filter tables with one extra item: K0[5] = { 0.0, 0.9375, 1.796875, 1.53125, 1.90625 } K1[5] = { 0.0, 0.0, -0.8125, -0.859375, -0.9375 } -- Pseudocode to decode Square's unique ADPCM audio sector data -------------- PreviousSample1 = 0 PreviousSample2 = 0 For Each Sound Unit SoundParameter = InputStream.ReadByte() InputStream.SkipByte() /* odd that this byte is skipped */ Range = SoundParameter & 0x0F Filter1 = K0[SoundParameter >> 4] Filter2 = K1[SoundParameter >> 4] For ADPCMBytes = 1 to 14 ADPCMSample1 = InputStream.ReadSignedBits(4) ADPCMSample2 = InputStream.ReadSignedBits(4) PCMSample = ADPCMSampleToPCMSample(ADPCMSample1, Range, Filter1, Filter2, byref PreviousSample1, byref PreviousSample2) OutputStream.Write(PCMSample) PCMSample = ADPCMSampleToPCMSample(ADPCMSample2, Range, Filter1, Filter2, byref PreviousSample1, byref PreviousSample2) OutputStream.Write(PCMSample) Next Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FF8 audio is played back at 44100 samples-per-second. In total: 14 ADPCM bytes with 2 samples per byte = 28 samples per Sound Unit. 28 samples * 105 Sound Units = 2940 samples per sector (for left & right). At 44100 samples per second, each frame generates 0.067 seconds of audio, which is exactly how long it takes for the PSX to spin the disc through 10 sectors at 2x speed (150 sectors/second). 44100 samples/second 15 frames/second 150 sectors/second 10 sectors/frame (14 * 2 * 105) = 2940 samples/frame (for each channel) 0.0667 seconds/frame =============== ==== Video ==== =============== :: FF8 Video Sector Header :: Offset 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common FF8 | Magic string (4 bytes, big-endian) | Audio/Video | 'S', 'M', 'J', 0x01 4 +-- Header --+----------------------------------------------------+ | (8 bytes) | Multiplexed chunk number of this frame (1 byte) | | 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) 5 +-- --+----------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of multiplexed chunks in frame - 1 (1 byte) | | Always 9 or 1 6 +-- --+----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame number: starts at 0 (2 bytes, little-endian) 8 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Multiplexed frame data (2040 bytes) 2048 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ :: FF8 Frame Data Header & Macro-blocks (pretty much the same as normal) :: Offset Size Endian ------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 2 . . little . Unknown Number of run length codes in the frame? Size of data (in bytes) following this header? 2 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x3800 4 . . . 2 . . little . Frame's quantization scale 6 . . . 2 . . little . Version of the frame: Always 2 8 . . . . . . . . . . Compressed macro blocks Stream, in 2 byte little-endian values Number of macro blocks = 320/16 * 224/16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Video frames are always 320 x 224. ################################################################################ ## 3.4. Final Fantasy IX ################################################################################ FF9 makes even a larger departure from how the data is stored in each sector. Like FF8, each frame consists of 10 sectors. The first sector contains the left audio channel, the second contains the right audio channel. The remaining 8 sectors hold the video data for the frame. 10 sectors running at 2x speed (150 sectors/second) means 15 frames-per-second. =============== ==== Audio ==== =============== The two audio sectors are in *Mode 2 Form 1* sectors. :: FF9 Audio Sector :: Offset 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common FF9 | Magic number (4 bytes, little-endian) | Audio/Video | 0x00080160 4 +-- Sector --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Header | Index of sector containing frame data | | (2 bytes, little-endian) | | 0 to (Number of sectors - 1) 6 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of sectors containing frame data | | (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 10 8 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame number: starts at 1 (4 bytes, little-endian) 12 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audio | Unknown (camera data?) (116 bytes) 128 +-- Sub-header --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Square | Magic string (4 byts, big-endian) | | AKAO | Always 'AKAO' 132 +-- --+-- Structure --+------------------------------------+ | | (80 bytes) | Frame number - 1 | | | (4 bytes, little-endian) 138 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Unknown (20 bytes) 158 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Unknown (4 bytes, little-endian) | | | Always 0x00001000 162 +-- --+-- --+------------------------------------+ | | | Number of bytes of audio data | | | (4 bytes, little-endian) | | | Most movies: 0, 1824, or 1840 | | | Final movie: 1680 168 +-- --+-- -+------------------------------------+ | | | Unknown (44 bytes) 212 +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Audio data and/or leftovers (1840 bytes) 2048 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ There is an exception to this for the last frame of a movie on disc 4. :: Strange FF9 Audio Sector :: Offset 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common FF9 | Magic number (4 bytes, little-endian) | Audio/Video | 0x00080160 4 +-- Sector --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Header | Index of sector containing frame data | | (2 bytes, little-endian) | | 0 to (Number of sectors - 1) 6 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of sectors containing frame data | | (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 10 8 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame number: starts at 1 (4 bytes, little-endian) 12 +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (camera data?) (116 bytes) 128 +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | 1920 bytes of 0xAB (1920 bytes) 2048 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ I believe this can just be considered a frame with no audio. FF9 audio is essentially the same as FF8 audio, just most movies have a different sample rate. See the FF8 chapter for details on how to decode the data. The playback rate for all but the final movie is 48000 samples/second, and the number of sound units per sector vary depending on how much audio data there is. 1824 bytes / 16 bytes/sound unit = 114 sound units which generate (114 sound units * 28 samples/sound unit) = 3192 samples 1840 bytes / 16 bytes/sound unit = 115 sound units which generate (115 sound units * 28 samples/sound unit) = 3220 samples The size of audio data follows a 7 frame sequence: 1840, 1824, 1824, 1840, 1824, 1824, 1824 Over 7 frames, that is (1840*2+1824*5) = 12800 bytes of ADPCM audio data. 12800 bytes / (16 bytes/sound unit) * (28 samples/sound unit) = 22400 samples. 22400 samples / 7 frames = 3200 samples/frame, which is exactly what we need for 48000 samples/second. 22400 bytes for every 7 frames (for each channel) 3200 samples/frame (average) 10 sectors/frame 150 sectors/second 15 frames/second 0.0667 seconds/frame (average) 48000 samples/second The final movie is different because every frame has 1680 bytes of audio data (like FF8), so it must be played back at 44100 samples/second. Final movie: 1680 bytes per frame 2940 samples/frame 10 sectors/frame 150 sectors/second 15 frames/second 0.0667 seconds/frame 44100 samples/second =============== ==== Video ==== =============== The eight video frame sectors are in *Mode 2 Form 2*, so that means 2324 bytes of video data per sector. The chunks need to be demultiplexed *in reverse order*, so you order them from chunk 9 down to chunk 2. :: FF9 Video Sector :: Offset 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common FF9 | Magic number (4 bytes, little-endian) | Audio/Video | 0x00080160 4 +-- Sector --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Header | Index of sector containing frame data | | (2 bytes, little-endian) | | 0 to (Number of sectors - 1) 6 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of sectors containing frame data | | (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 10 8 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame number: starts at 1 (4 bytes, little-endian) 12 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Video | Used demux data size / 4 (4 bytes, little-endian) | Sub-header | Bytes of data used in demuxed frame, divided by 4 16 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame width in pixels (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 320 18 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame height in pixels (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 224 20 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | MDEC code count (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Number of MDEC codes divided by 2, and rounded up | | to a multiple of 32 (if not already a multiple | | of 32) 22 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Always 0x3800 (2 bytes, little-endian) 24 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Frame's quantization scale (2 bytes, little-endian) 26 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Version of the video frame (2 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 2 28 +-- --+-----------------------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (4 bytes) | | Usually 0x00000000, but the 2nd sector in some | | movies' frames have different values 32 +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Multiplexed frame bitstream data (2292 bytes) 2324 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ A curious but minor note about FF9 variable length codes: the (0, 30) MDEC code uses the corresponding variable length code, but the (0, -30) MDEC code never uses the corresponding variable length code, and is instead compressed using the escape code. ################################################################################ ## 3.5. Chrono Cross (and Legend of Mana?) ################################################################################ Like FF8 and FF9, Chrono Cross frames are 10 sectors long, starting with 2 sectors for audio, followed by 8 sectors of video. It uses FF9 style audio sectors, but standard STR video sectors. All audio and video sectors are "Mode 2 Form 1". =============== ==== Audio ==== =============== :: Chrono Cross Audio Sector Header :: Offset 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Magic number (4 bytes, little-endian) | One of 0x00000160, 0x00010160, 0x01000160, 0x01010160 4 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Index of sector containing frame audio data | (2 bytes, little-endian) | 0 to (Number of sectors - 1) 6 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Number of sectors containing frame audio data | (2 bytes, little-endian) | Always 2 8 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Frame number: starts at 1 (2 bytes, little-endian) 10 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unknown (118 bytes) 128 +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Square | Magic string (4 byts, big-endian) | AKAO | Always 'AKAO' 132 +-- Structure --+------------------------------------------------------+ | (80 bytes) | Frame number - 1 (4 bytes, little-endian) 136 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (20 bytes) 156 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (4 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 0x00001000 160 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of bytes of audio data | | (4 bytes, little-endian) | | Always 1680 164 +-- --+------------------------------------------------------+ | | Unknown (44 bytes) 208 +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Audio data (1680 bytes) 1888 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unknown (160 bytes) 2048 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Like the final FF9 movie, with 1680 bytes of audio data, the audio plays back at 44100 samples/second. Chrono Cross: On disc 1, video frame sectors are standard. On disc 2, the video frame sectors begin with 0x81010160, but otherwise are identical to standard STR frame sectors. All except for the final movie, which has additional properties. // TODO: Figure out the final movie format ################################################################################ ## 3.6. Serial Experiments Lain ################################################################################ Serial Experiments Lain may be the only game that used its own unique set of compressed variable-length (huffman) codes. But besides that, and a slightly different frame sectors header, everything is in the standard format. :: S.E. Lain Video Sector Header :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . little . Always 0x80010160 4 . . . 2 . . little . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) - 1 6 . . . 2 . . little . Number of multiplexed chunks in this frame 8 . . . 2 . . little . Frame number: Starts at 1 12 . . . 4 . . little . All bytes of demuxed data, used or unused, in the frame chunks (so almost always 18144 or 20160) 16 . . . 2 . . little . Width of frame in pixels 18 . . . 2 . . little . Height of frame in pixels 20 . . . 1 . . n/a . . quantization scale for luma blocks (one movie has 0) 21 . . . 1 . . n/a . . quantization scale for chroma blocks (one movie has 0) 22 . . . 2 . . little . Almost always 0x3800. One movie has 0x0000, and the last movie has the frame number (again) 24 . . . 2 . . little . Number of run length codes in the frame 26 . . . 2 . . little . Version of the video frame: always 0 28 . . . 4 . . little . Always 0x00000000 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: S.E. Lain Frame Data Header :: Offset Size Endian --------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 1 . . n/a . . quantization scale for luma blocks 1 . . . 1 . . n/a . . quantization scale for chroma blocks 2 . . . 2 . . little . All but the last movie: always 0x3800 The last movie: frame number (again) 4 . . . 2 . . little . Number of run length codes in the frame 6 . . . 2 . . little . Version of the video frame: always 0 8 . . . . . . . . . . Compressed macro blocks Stream, in big-endian values Number of macro blocks = (width+15)/16 * (height+15)/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The video frame version is always 0. The reason why the last movie doesn't have 0x3800 in the headers is because it needs to know what frame it is showing, since it blacks-out video frames you have not seen yet. The bit stream data following the header is read in *BIG-ENDIAN* order. The DC coefficient is read in the standard version 2 style. A unique set of variable-length-codes are used: 11s (0, 1) 011s (0, 2) 0100 s (1, 1) 0101 s (0, 3) 0010 1s (0, 4) 0011 0s (2, 1) 0011 1s (0, 5) 0001 00s (0, 6) 0001 01s (3, 1) 0001 10s (1, 2) 0001 11s (0, 7) 0000 100s (0, 8) 0000 101s (4, 1) 0000 110s (0, 9) 0000 111s (5, 1) 0010 0000 s (0, 10) 0010 0001 s (0, 11) 0010 0010 s (1, 3) 0010 0011 s (6, 1) 0010 0100 s (0, 12) 0010 0101 s (0, 13) 0010 0110 s (7, 1) 0010 0111 s (0, 14) 0000 0010 00s (0, 15) 0000 0010 01s (2, 2) 0000 0010 10s (8, 1) 0000 0010 11s (1, 4) 0000 0011 00s (0, 16) 0000 0011 01s (0, 17) 0000 0011 10s (9, 1) 0000 0011 11s (0, 18) 0000 0001 0000 s (0, 19) 0000 0001 0001 s (1, 5) 0000 0001 0010 s (0, 20) 0000 0001 0011 s (10, 1) 0000 0001 0100 s (0, 21) 0000 0001 0101 s (3, 2) 0000 0001 0110 s (12, 1) 0000 0001 0111 s (0, 23) 0000 0001 1000 s (0, 22) 0000 0001 1001 s (11, 1) 0000 0001 1010 s (0, 24) 0000 0001 1011 s (0, 28) 0000 0001 1100 s (0, 25) 0000 0001 1101 s (1, 6) 0000 0001 1110 s (2, 3) 0000 0001 1111 s (0, 27) 0000 0000 1000 0s (0, 26) 0000 0000 1000 1s (13, 1) 0000 0000 1001 0s (0, 29) 0000 0000 1001 1s (1, 7) 0000 0000 1010 0s (4, 2) 0000 0000 1010 1s (0, 31) 0000 0000 1011 0s (0, 30) 0000 0000 1011 1s (14, 1) 0000 0000 1100 0s (0, 32) 0000 0000 1100 1s (0, 33) 0000 0000 1101 0s (1, 8) 0000 0000 1101 1s (0, 35) 0000 0000 1110 0s (0, 34) 0000 0000 1110 1s (5, 2) 0000 0000 1111 0s (0, 36) 0000 0000 1111 1s (0, 37) 0000 0000 0100 00s (2, 4) 0000 0000 0100 01s (1, 9) 0000 0000 0100 10s (1, 24) 0000 0000 0100 11s (0, 38) 0000 0000 0101 00s (15, 1) 0000 0000 0101 01s (0, 39) 0000 0000 0101 10s (3, 3) 0000 0000 0101 11s (7, 3) 0000 0000 0110 00s (0, 40) 0000 0000 0110 01s (0, 41) 0000 0000 0110 10s (0, 42) 0000 0000 0110 11s (0, 43) 0000 0000 0111 00s (1, 10) 0000 0000 0111 01s (0, 44) 0000 0000 0111 10s (6, 2) 0000 0000 0111 11s (0, 45) 0000 0000 0010 000s (0, 47) 0000 0000 0010 001s (0, 46) 0000 0000 0010 010s (16, 1) 0000 0000 0010 011s (2, 5) 0000 0000 0010 100s (0, 48) 0000 0000 0010 101s (1, 11) 0000 0000 0010 110s (0, 49) 0000 0000 0010 111s (0, 51) 0000 0000 0011 000s (0, 50) 0000 0000 0011 001s (7, 2) 0000 0000 0011 010s (0, 52) 0000 0000 0011 011s (4, 3) 0000 0000 0011 100s (0, 53) 0000 0000 0011 101s (17, 1) 0000 0000 0011 110s (1, 12) 0000 0000 0011 111s (0, 55) 0000 0000 0001 0000 s (0, 54) 0000 0000 0001 0001 s (0, 56) 0000 0000 0001 0010 s (0, 57) 0000 0000 0001 0011 s (21, 1) 0000 0000 0001 0100 s (0, 58) 0000 0000 0001 0101 s (3, 4) 0000 0000 0001 0110 s (1, 13) 0000 0000 0001 0111 s (23, 1) 0000 0000 0001 1000 s (8, 2) 0000 0000 0001 1001 s (0, 59) 0000 0000 0001 1010 s (2, 6) 0000 0000 0001 1011 s (19, 1) 0000 0000 0001 1100 s (0, 60) 0000 0000 0001 1101 s (9, 2) 0000 0000 0001 1110 s (24, 1) 0000 0000 0001 1111 s (18, 1) 0000 01 escape 10 EOB The escape code is handled in the MPEG1 fashion: 6 bits for the run, then either 8 or 16 bits for the level according to this table: Fixed Length Code Level forbidden -256 1000 0000 0000 0001 -255 1000 0000 0000 0010 -254 ... 1000 0000 0111 1111 -129 1000 0000 1000 0000 -128 1000 0001 -127 1000 0010 -126 ... 1111 1110 -2 1111 1111 -1 forbidden 0 0000 0001 1 0000 0010 2 ... 0111 1110 126 0111 1111 127 0000 0000 1000 0000 128 0000 0000 1000 0001 129 ... 0000 0000 1111 1110 254 0000 0000 1111 1111 255 ################################################################################ ## 3.7. Alice In Cyber Land ################################################################################ :: Alice Frame Sector Header :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . little . Always 0x00000160 4 . . . 2 . . little . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) - 1 6 . . . 2 . . little . Number of multiplexed chunks in this frame 8 . . . 2 . . little . Frame number: Starts at 1 12 . . . 4 . . little . Unknown Seemingly random number. Frame duration? Bytes of data used in demuxed frame (including header)? 16 . . 16 . . n/a . . All zeroes 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frames are always 320 x 240. Standard STR movies begin with frame chunk sectors, but Alice movies begin with an audio sector. The frame number of the last frame of a movie has the high bit set (0x8000). There is also an empty frame with a frame number of 0xFFFF at the end of movies. For some reason there are extra audio sectors in between movies as well. Many of the movies have a variable frame rage. All movies use one or more of the following frame rates: 7.5 fps, 10 fps, 15 fps, 30 fps ################################################################################ ## 3.8. Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere ################################################################################ :: Ace Combat 3 Sector Header :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 1 . . n/a . . Always 1 1 . . . 1 . . n/a . . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) - 1 2 . . . 2 . . little . Number of multiplexed chunks in this frame 4 . . . 2 . . . ?? . . Unknown 6 . . . 2 . . little . Inverted frame number: Starts at last frame 8 . . . 2 . . little . Frame width in pixels 10 . . . 2 . . little . Frame height in pixels 12 . . 12 . . n/a . . All zeros 24 . . . 8 . . . ?? . . Unknown 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For some reason the frame number starts at the last frame and descends to 0. ################################################################################ ## 3.9. .iki ################################################################################ The .iki video format (found in files with .iki or .ik2 extension) is used in at least two games made by Sony: "Legend of Dragoon" and "UmJammer Lammy". Unlike other video variations, it takes full advantage of the capabilities of the MDEC chip by letting each block have its own quantization scale (as opposed to having one quantization scale for the entire frame). iki movie sectors have some different properties: * There are only as many iki video sectors as needed to hold all the frame's data. Remaining sectors are null. * The first sector's Submode.Channel starts at zero, then increments for each sector after that, and resets to zero after an audio sector. * ik2 videos can also have variable frame rates that are very inconsistent. :: iki Sector Header :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . little . Always 0x80010160 4 . . . 2 . . little . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame 0 to (Number of multiplexed chunks) - 1 6 . . . 2 . . little . Number of multiplexed chunks in this frame 8 . . . 4 . . little . Frame number: Starts at 1 12 . . . 4 . . little . Bytes of data used in demuxed frame, rounded up to a multiple of 4 (if not already a multiple of 4) 16 . . . 2 . . little . Width of frame in pixels 18 . . . 2 . . little . Height of frame in pixels 20 . . . 2 . . little . Number of MDEC codes in the frame 22 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x3800 24 . . . 2 . . little . Width of frame in pixels (again) 26 . . . 2 . . little . Height of frame in pixels (again) 28 . . . 4 . . little . Always 0x00000000 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: iki Frame Data Header :: Offset Size Endian --------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 2 . . little . Number of run length codes in the frame 2 . . . 2 . . little . Always 0x3800 4 . . . 2 . . little . Width of frame in pixels 6 . . . 2 . . little . Height of frame in pixels 8 . . . 2 . . little . Size of compressed initial block codes (n) 10 . . . n . . n/a . . Compressed initial block codes 10+n . . . . . . . . . Compressed macro blocks Stream of 2 byte little-endian values Number of macro blocks = (width+15)/16 * (height+15)/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A list of the quantization scale and DC coefficient for every block is found in the frame header instead of being part of the bitstream. This list of values is compressed using yet another variation of LZS compression (different from Lain or FF7). Because the list of values contains an MDEC code for each block, it's easy to calculate how big the uncompressed data will be: the number of macro blocks in the frame, multiplied by the number of blocks in a macro block (6), multiplied by the size of an MDEC code (2). UncompressedSize = ( ((width+15)/16) * ((height+15)/16) ) * 6 * 2 -- Pseudocode to uncompress iki LZS compressed initial block codes ------------ While OutputStream.BytesWritten() < UncompressedSize Flags = InputStream.ReadByte() Mask = 1 Do 8 Times If (Flags & Mask) == 0 OutputStream.WriteByte( InputStream.ReadByte() ) Else CopySize = InputStream.ReadUnsignedByte() + 3 CopyOffset = InputStream.ReadUnsignedByte() If (CopyOffset & 0x80) != 0 CopyOffset = ((CopyOffset & 0x7f) << 8) | InputStream.ReadUnsignedByte() End If CopyOffset = CopyOffset + 1 Do CopySize Times OutputStream.WriteByte( OutputStream.ReadByteBeforeCurrentPos( CopyOffset ) ) Loop End If If OutputStream.BytesWritten() >= UncompressedSize Finish End If Mask = Mask << 1 Loop End While ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first-half of the uncompressed data contains the most significant byte, and the second-half of the data contains the least significant byte of each block's initial MDEC code. The data is clearly arranged this way to maximize compression. The bitstream is identical to the standard v2 bitstream, except at the start of each block. When reading the DC coefficient, instead of reading bits from the stream (as in ch 2.2.2), take the value from the uncompressed data: Block Quantization Scale and DC Coefficient MDEC code = (UncompressedData[CurrentBlock] << 8) | UncompressedData[CurrentBlock + UncompressedDataSize / 2] ################################################################################ ## 3.10. Judge Dredd ################################################################################ Continuing in its tradition of giving PlayStation hackers headaches, this is the most difficult video sector to uniquely identify. There are two types of frames which I will just refer to as type A and type B A. 320x352 dimensions, held in 9 chunks B. 320x240 dimensions, held in 10 chunks Unfortunately, there's no indication in the sectors of which type it is. :: Judge Dredd Sector Header :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . little . Multiplexed chunk number of this video frame: 0 to 9 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yep, that's it. Type B frames follow the standard v3 demultiplexed frame format. Type A starts with 40 extra bytes before the frame data starts. Most video frames are normal v3 format, but some are full of 0xff. ################################################################################ ## 3.11. Crusader: No Remorse ################################################################################ Crusader: No Remorse is the only gave I've seen that doesn't stream its movies using the standard 'real-time' sector method. :: Crusader Sector :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . big . . Always 0xAABBCCDD 4 . . . 4 . . big . . Sector number of this multiplexed stream 8 . . 2040 . . n/a . . Multiplexed data 2048 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sectors are demultiplexed into a continuous stream. The data is broken up into 'chunks' that are either audio or video. When one chunk ends, the next one immediately begins. :: Crusader Demultiplexed Video Chunk :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . big . . Chunk identifier: MDEC 4 . . . 4 . . big . . Size of the chunk in bytes, including this header 8 . . . 2 . . big . . Video frame width in pixels 10 . . 2 . . big . . Video frame height in pixels 12 . . 4 . . big . . Video frame number 16 (Size-16) n/a . . STR v2 bitstream Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: Crusader Demultiplexed Audio Chunk :: Offset Size Endian -------------------------------------------------------- 0 . . . 4 . . big . . Chunk identifier: ad20 or ad21 4 . . . 4 . . big . . Size of the chunk in bytes, including this header 8 . . . 4 . . big . . The number of samples already written to the stream 12 . . 4 . . big . . Always 0x08000200 16 (Size-16) n/a . . Square audio data Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Video frames are standard v2. Audio is encoded using Square's special format found in section 3.3. The audio plays back at 22050Hz stereo, with the left channel in the first half of the payload, and the right channel is in the second half. The 'ad21' identifier indicates the last audio chunk in the stream. ################################################################################ ## 4. Thanks, credits, etc. ################################################################################ Mike Melanson and Stuart Caie for adding STR decoding support to xine, including the documentation in the source. ( Also for archiving some example STR files. ( The q-gears development team and forum members for their source code and documentation ( Their STR decoding source code PSXMDECDecoder.cpp was invaluable ( Their TIM format documentation is awesome ( "Everything You Have Always Wanted to Know about the Playstation But Were Afraid to Ask." Compiled / edited by Joshua Walker. Perhaps the most valuable reference for any kind of PSX hacking, especially the PSX assembly instruction set. smf, developer for MAME, for figuring out that everyone was getting the order of CrCb wrong ( Gabriele Gorla for clarifying to me the details of the Cb/Cr swap error, verifying that jPSXdec is doing things right, and for pointing how the quantization table is uploaded to the MDEC. Jonathan Atkins for his open source cdxa code and documentation. ( The PCSX Team, creators of one of the two open source PlayStation emulators ( The MAME emulator team for their efforts to document and accurately emulate hardware ( Developers of the pSX emulator. While not open source, at least it is still under development and provides a very nice debugger for reverse engineering games ( "Fyiro", the Japanese fellow that wrote the source code for the PsxMC FF8 plugin. ( T_chan for sharing a bit of his knowledge about the FF9 format ( The most excellent folks at IRCNet #lain :D cclh12 at for generously providing some actual PlayStation 1 hardware RAM dumps. Mezmorize at for helping me get an old PlayStation and GameShark working to make my own RAM dumps. Finally, a very special thanks to all the PlayStation hackers who thought it was a good idea to keep their decoders/emulators/hacking tools closed source, then completely stop working on them. Extra thanks to those who now provide a 404 page for a web site. You sirs are real men of genius. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Sabin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this file (the "Document"), to deal in the Document without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Document, and to permit persons to whom the Document is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Document. THE DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE DOCUMENT OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE DOCUMENT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document and its author are not associated with Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. in any way. "Sony" and "PlayStation" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.